Psalm 86:5-7 You and Me – Confidence

For you, O LORD, are good and forgiving

Abounding in steadfast love

to all who call upon you.

Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer;

Listen to my plea for grace.

In the day of trouble I call upon you,

For you answer me.

Contrast this stanza to the first stanza. They are both requests for the Lord to hear David but are fundamentally different. The difference is within the soul of David.

First, he focuses on the LORD and who he is: good, forgiving, steadfast. There are no pretenses of godliness, but recognition of the goodness of god and how he forgives sin.

Second, he requests grace instead of salvation. As he’s been able to relax as I sought the LORD, he moved from panic for his life to grace for the moment.

Third, he calls on the LORD again, but this time with confidence that the Lord is going to give him grace and answer him.

The pivot point is focus.

When I pray, it is about me and my needs or is it about him?

What about the character of God gives you strength, grace, hope?

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