Blogging our trip has not been as easy as I thought it would! Stopping at campgrounds that cost $11, doesn’t provide access to internet (or hot showers, as Roger sadly learned!). And in Canada, data transfer costs dearly (as Caleb learned when he forgot to turn off his data and his dad got a big bill!). So, we’ve really been pretty isolated from the rest of the world, except for satellite radio (and the sad news from Aurora, CO – our prayers go with them).
But it has been an amazing adventure. I’ve learned so much about my grandchildren and myself, and I know that I am going to need the next 3 weeks to keep working out our relationship. We really are complex beings and getting below the surface to real heart issues take time. I’m glad we have it with them.
We’re on a ferry from Prince Rupert to Juneau where I hope we have internet access and can post this. The trip has been amazing with mountains out every side. God’s grandeur.
But I noticed something interesting — I like the back of the boat more than the front. I think of Rose on the Titanic, flying off the bow, feeling free to create her own future. For me, at this point of my life, the bow is too windy and cold. The back is protected. For me, it’s just as beautiful to look at where I have been and savor those moments.
Life is made of moments, like miles and mountains, we have moved through. It reminds me of a poem I wrote awhile ago. Right now, I’m savoring these moments with my husband, my grandkids and mountains.
of fragrance floating
over yellow roses.
touching the smoothness
of nude sculptures.
of sheer terror
spinning out of control.
of quieting hope
when life seems dim.
of leaving
those we love deeply.
of unity,
embracing hearts.
of success
dancing in celebration.
of shame
brought into light.
with family
warmed with coco.
facing illness,
touching the supernatural.
of missed opportunity,
laced with loss.
of love
captured in embrace.
Moments around us
chained together
by breath,
forming the essence
of life.
—Maggie Bruehl