This is it! What we will call home for 4 weeks on the drive to Alaska. The picture is not actually taken in DeBary but where we bought it off of Craig’s list, but if you can picture it in the middle of our driveway in the midst of being packed with sleeping bags, food, clothes, and yes, a portable toilet — then you can get a good idea of where we are in the process.
We leave this Saturday, 7am. We’re trying to wrap up our work as well as pack, so it’s going to be a full week. Becky and I worked last night on making notebooks with maps of where we are going and devotionals for the month (a study of Proverbs). I can hardly wait.
Obviously, we need prayer! But what a grand way to enjoy God through family and nature. Pray for health and traveling mercies, and that God will use this in all of our lives to draw us closer to Him.
We’ll try to update this site as the internet access allows us. Feel free to email us as we have email on our phones: