Let’s Review – Genesis 17

Since Abram blew it so badly with Hagar, taking matters into his own hands (or arms) to make God’s promise become reality, God needed another “review lesson” with Abram. He wanted Abram to understand that no matter how impossible his promises may seem, they are “His” promises, and he needs no help.

Abram’s response: to fall “on his face.”

God made his point clear. 

And to make it even clearer, he renamed Abram to Abraham, giving him a new beginning.

And he asked for a sign of obedience: circumcision. I’ve often wondered where that creative thought came from but putting it in the context of Hagar/sex outside of marriage, I think it may have been appropriate.

And God knew Sarai needed a new beginning also, renaming her Sarah, to make her the mother of his people. 

This is when Abraham laughed. 

And he and God had a dialogue. Abraham is still trying to fix things with Ishmael. God patiently repeated Sarah, not Hagar, would be the mother of the nation, even naming her son Isaac.

The discussion was over; now faith steps needed to be taken. Have you ever wondered what the men in his household said when he told them about circumcision? “You want to do what?” But it looks like everyone followed their leader.

And Abraham, once again, was leading…

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