Helpers – Genesis 2

Then the Lord God said,
“It is not good that the man should be alone;
I will make him a helper…

The story continues to unfold – out of a beginning, out of a God, out of a creation, out of a unique being created in God’s image.

This spiritual state in which God created mankind made him relational.

God is relational. Remember Genesis 1 – “Let us make man in our own image?” God is an “us” and “our.” It’s hard to wrap our heads around “us”, especially at this beginning point without the rest of scripture, but there are parts of God who uniquely relate to each other. They are one, but separate, and they fulfill each other.

In the same way, man/Adam desired something that was equal to him, who had a spiritual side, who could be one with him, relating to him, completing him. In all of creation, there was nothing like him. Only God, by creating from a part of Adam something that was “flesh of his flesh” and yet uniquely different (for completeness), was able to finish his creation of mankind “in his image.”

We are created for relationship, and just like Satan attacks the other foundational premises, he attacks relationships. He tears us apart and reinforces the thought that we would be better off as an island, alone. But even if as an individual we could be better off, mankind as a whole would not.

We were created to be “helpers” to each other.

How can I do that today?

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