Good News…I think – Round 2 Week 1 of Chemo

DSC_0378 (2) copyI started back on chemo this week. The week of “rest” was not quite so restful as side effects (shakiness, insomnia) continued, but I also continued the steroids as prescribed, so I attribute the side effects more to steroids than the actual chemo drug.

My appointment yesterday with the transplant doctor was mind boggling. First, she was really glad to see me. 70% of MM transplant patients relapse in 3 years, so my 7 years makes me pretty special. 🙂 The good news was that she thinks I could remain “stable” for a while more before having another transplant. She was on the side of less aggressive treatment to get more time out of the first transplant before having another. I had not thought of this as an option. She even thought we could be less aggressive on the chemo which would be wonderful. Of course, I have yet to hear from my main doctor, but in the past he has deferred to her expertise. I doubt if they will change chemo mid-round, but it does give hope for the future.

In all my prayers, I had not thought about praying that I would not need a transplant yet, only that I would still qualify. I am qualified and found out that there is no age limit, only health limit (kidney disease or something major). It was just a reminder how sometimes God answers our prayers over and beyond what we have prayed. I know there is verse about that — if someone could help me find it, I’d be grateful.

Anyway, I’m trying to take all this in. There are so many emotional ups and downs with cancer. I’m just grateful that I am not alone and that so many of you are traveling with me.

I’d love to hear your comments and words of encouragement…

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4 Responses to Good News…I think – Round 2 Week 1 of Chemo

  1. Fran says:

    Thank you for sharing, Maggie. I pray that these reports become more encouraging as time goes by.
    For those of us who have never experienced what you are going through these posts provide insight into life in the shoes of patients like you. My brother has recently begun chemo treatment for lung cancer. I can see some of the same “ups and downs” in him as I read in your posts. It helps me to empathize with what he is experiencing.
    I have been meeting him at the treatment center throughout the chemo. I see firsthand what they tell him (and don’t tell him), his response, and the responses of others undergoing treatment. He asks many questions. I don’t see how the technicians keep their composure sometimes.
    Anyway, praying for you. Thankful for the seven years. Praying for many more.

  2. Karen Brothe Apple says:

    So glad for you, Maggie. Will pray for you as you complete this round of chemo. The verse you were looking for is Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.”

  3. Lynn K says:

    You are not alone, for sure. You continue to be in the hearts and prayers of many. Such a journey… Your heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. psalm 84:2,4 Love you.

  4. Carol B says:

    Maggie, I’m grateful for your good news. The potential plan seems to indicate analysis that is encouraging. I pray that you will continue to have extended maintained health that surprises the medical team. May God empower you with strength for the treatments and wisdom for the decisions required for maximum health while fighting cancer. Hugs to you.

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