(Part 7 in a 11 part series based on John Piper’s booklet, “Don’t Waste You Cancer)
#7 – We waste our cancer if we spend too much time reading about cancer and not enough time reading about God.
As I read this section, it seemed as if the issue is “what” and “how much.” As John Piper said, “Ignorance is not a virtue.” We certainly should know about our disease and take responsibility in its treatment.
But the issue here is focus: Do I focus on my cancer or on God? How I spend my time reveals my focus.
Example: Roger loves basketball. Therefore, basketball is a part of his life, three days a week, plus whatever is on TV. It is the sport that has his focus.
When cancer entered my life, it took my focus off of everything else. Figuring out and following treatments was all consuming. Trying to get doctors to even agree and getting MRI’s and test results to the right people ate up much of my life, leaving time or energy for little else.
Creeping in like light from a cracked door was the whisper of God, beckoning me from his word. As I opened the door, focusing on what he wanted to say to me, helped my light to shine on others. They heard it and felt it, and we were filled with hope that is hard to understand. Hope that doesn’t come from research, statistics, or even survivor stories; hope that comes from a bigger source than I can imagine and gives love and peace in the midst of confusion.
“Cancer is meant to waken us to the reality of God,” writes John Piper. I gain that reality by reading his word. Looking at death, I gain a perspective I didn’t have when I was full of life. Looking at death, I feel more of a “beginning” (for which I am grateful) and an “end.” Looking at death, I can’t help but wonder about what comes after.
How has a trial or illness affected your focus?