I don’t usually suggest another blog, but Sharon Jaynes is one I follow, and her posting today was better than anything I could write. It is found at: http://sharonjaynes.com/
It’s a reminder of who God is, that life contains suffering along with the ministry of the Holy Spirit. She quotes James Dobson, “Trying to analyze His [God’s] omnipotence is like an amoeba attempting to comprehend the behavior of man.”
Today we had another “twist and turn” that has left my head spinning like the tea cup ride at Disney. Roger is out of town on a ministry trip, so we don’t have much ability to process emotions or information. I feel like that amoeba trying to wrap my head around things being said by doctors filtered through the mind of Christ.
Pray for clarity…
And that I don’t throw up while I am on this wild ride. He is the engineer of the ride and is sitting next to me. I don’t know if I can be like James (in the picture) and raise my hands in pure joy of the process, but pray we will have enough trust in the Maker that our hearts are calm.