Thankfulness – Round 2 Week 2

IMG_0076 copyChemo stinks (I’m tempted to use other words!). Yesterday was a hard day with diarrhea, shakes, insomnia.

Somedays it’s hard to find the silver lining. True confessions: I snapped at Roger several times as we drove to meet our kids. It’s hard for him to see me go through this and hates the change in my spirit. I struggled between what is letting him know my needs so he can help and being angry because what he is doing isn’t helping.

But today is a new day. I’m so thankful for new days. It’s a chance for a “do-over.” It’s a chance for forgiveness and grace and to do things differently.

Holidays can be rocked with emotions. There are so many memories of years gone by – some positive and some negative. Of course we want to idealize the positive ones, but we can’t go back. Each holiday has it’s own set of circumstances multiplied by each player present who are responding accordingly. And we want desperately to forget the stench of the negative ones which makes the thought of getting together almost unbearable.

It takes willpower to look at each day as a new opportunity to be thankful for what is. It is a new opportunity to love others and to love ourselves, to forgive others and to forgive ourselves. It is a chance to embrace what is, not focusing on what was or should be.

Cancer makes you thankful for each new day. It is a gift. It might not be wrapped up in the way we wanted it, but what we do with it, like any day, is up to us. What will our choices be?

Here’s hoping for a better day…

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6 Responses to Thankfulness – Round 2 Week 2

  1. Terry says:

    Wishing you a refreshing and encouraging Thanksgiving day. I so appreciate you transparency… Sent your post to my mom. I am very grateful to get to celebrate with her this year.

  2. Sandra Auer says:

    Dearest Maggie,
    You are so honest and work hard at being a kind good friend, mother, grandmother and wife. I am praying for you this morning. Mostly thanking God for you and your friendship and that you managed to get your book published whilst living with this nasty disease. May your day go much better than yesterday. Let them do the work. Enjoy your family in between rest breaks as needed. I love you, Friend.

  3. Cherry says:

    Well said Sandra! Praying for some enjoyable storytelling among the family.

  4. Jennie Lee Halfhill says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Maggie & the rest of the Bruehl family!
    Maggie, praying for you, and wanting to let you know that you are one of the most positive roll models that I have always looked up too! When God created you, he created a True Angel! Be Strong & Keep the Faith!
    Hugs & Love,

  5. Vicki Borgman says:

    I appreciate your honesty in how you feel but are still so grateful in the midst of everything. Praying for you Maggie and blessings to you.

    • Maggie says:

      Vicki – remind me of how I know you or who you know who I know. It might be the chemo speaking in that your name sounds familiar but I can’t zero in. I appreciate so much your comment — sometimes I hesitate to write because honestly is not always what people want to hear. But then I think how writing is for me, and if others are blessed along the way, that’s a bonus. I’m glad it’s been a bonus for you!

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