Graduation is a amazing event.
I love this picture of my daughter, Amanda, as she graduated college several years ago. You can see so much in her face:
- Confidence
- Completion
- Joy
- Hope and expectations
What you don’t see in that picture are:
- The suffering and trials it took to get there
- The fears she has about the future
The good news is that I have “graduated” in regards to my foot. The orthopedic doctor has released me. There was no cap and gown, but there was the same sense of confidence, completion, joy, hope and expectation that glowed on Amanda’s face.
But what is not so easily seen are the impact the ordeal left on me. I’m still hesitant to trust my foot going down stairs. Escalators, the fear of falling forward, is still with me. I can’t walk long distances or my foot swells.
And I have graduated to fears about the future, especially as I head into cancer treatment. Last time the doctor said he didn’t want to wait any longer, so tests begin later this week. Just like Amanda, I wonder what the future will bring.
So right now, I’m celebrating. I’ll take each day as it comes, knowing that God gives grace for each day. I’m so grateful for those who are celebrating with me, but am even more grateful for those who walk with me into the future.
Have you “graduated” lately? Resonate with these feeling? How can I pray for you? (leave a comment; let me know if it is personal and you don’t want it posted)