Rockets and Planes – both fly and get you to your destination. One just has more resources and a longer destination.
Let’s talk about rockets first. There is a new video on YouTube that is the best explanation of Campus Crusade for Christ/Cru that we have ever seen! Take a few minutes and check it out at:
Now let’s talk about planes — Roger is headed for South Africa for a trip with CrossRoads June 12-19. Crossroads is a resource ministry that trains public school teachers how to deal with youth at risk, equipping them to teach morals and ethics from a Biblical world view. While he is there, Roger will meet with CrossRoads leadership from 10 countries: Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Seychelles, Mauritius, Swaziland, Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa, as well as the national director of South Africa. Roger and the team will be gleaning best practices, training in new processes and materials and begin the process of planning by country and by region for the next five years.
This is his first overseas trip since Maggie began treatments again for cancer. Pray that the trip will reap eternal benefits and that Maggie will do well at home (She has friends and family she can call on if needed).
You go with us wherever we go through your prayers and giving. You have helped “launch” ministries around the world, in person and digitally. Whenever, wherever, we go, we’re so glad you are with us!
Roger and Maggie Bruehl