You did not choose me, but I chose you
and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit
and that your fruit should abide,
so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
These things I command you, so that you will love one another.
John 15:16-17
Our small group from church has been going through the book of John, and it’s been a wonderful study, especially powerful in light of Easter and Jesus’ resurrection. Each week God has unfolded fresh insights. These verses became even more powerful in light of an email we received:
The Lord laid you on my heart tonight and I want to thank you for your spiritual input and nurturing my Christian faith. I remember so well the night Maggie shared the Four Spiritual Laws with me as a follow up to CCC’s concert and Jon Braun’s (I think that was his name and not sure how to spell it, but it was on Sex, Love, and Dating). Although I didn’t quite understand the difference between religion and a personal relationship with Jesus, I became involved in the CCC meetings.
About three months later that the Holy Spirit touched my heart and gave me understanding that I truly accepted Christ as my Savior. I loved our bible studies and friendship. I learned so much and the Lord used CCC and you to instill in me a love for evangelism and discipleship. I am grateful for the firm foundation that was built in my early years as a Christian…
Linda was a student at Illinois State University in 1969, and her life was radically changed. After teaching 6 years to pay off student loans, she attended Moody Bible Institute. The communist revolution in Grenada, West Indies, forced her home after just 2 years as a missionary. Resilient, she has served in Brazil for the last 30 years. Like she said, “Little did I know what plans the Lord had for me and my future then…Thank you for being instruments in the Lord’s hands to teach me guide me, and challenge me in my walk with the Lord.”
We were humbled to receive the email and be reminded, after all these years, of God’s faithfulness. Linda is an amazing example of “fruit that remains.” And we were reminded it was not by our power we were chosen to reach others. We were fulfilling our “appointment.” We asked for “fruit” and God has given it to us over and beyond anything we could have imagined.
We were grateful to hear Linda’s story and hope you hear it as a story affirming you in your faithfulness. So many have stood with us during the last 40 years of ministry. Often, we don’t know the results. But sometimes we get glimpses of how those prayers and giving have produced fruit. Thank you for your partnership with us.
Roger and Maggie