January 27, 2013
Opportunity – that is what the New Year rings in! Campus Crusade for Christ never stands still, so we wanted to let you know about a couple of opportunities:
- SuperBowl Breakfast Webcast is February 2 & 3 – check out the details at http://www.superbowlbreakfast.com/webcast. Athletes in Action hosts the breakfast and Jason Witten of the Dallas Cowboys is the winner of the Bart Starr Award. CCC is making it available at their headquarters, so if you are in the Orlando area and want to come, let us know. We understand that it makes a great church event.
- Jesus Film app for a smartphone, pad or computer – search for “Jesus Film Media” in your Apple App Store or Android Google Play Store. You can access the Jesus Film in over 100 languages!
For us in our individual ministries, there are new opportunities:
- Our website – www.thebruehls.com – Maggie’s started blogging again! Several friends have asked if she has been writing through her pain. We switched to WordPress so let us know if you have any difficulty viewing it or commenting.
- CrossRoads: Trinidad – In March I’ll see this training in action. It’s similar to another ministry I am supervising which works with teachers. I’m meeting with the leaders February 4-5 to talk through how the two ministries can work together for synergy.
- Measuring Vision – Maggie has been working to globally measure our vision statement, “Build movements so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.” She is on a steep learning curve as she interviews major companies like Gallup and Barna, thinking through implications of culture.
And personally, we would like for you to pray for a miracle. Maggie’s leg has not been healing and they have mentioned surgery. Pray that when she goes in January 29th, the doctor would be surprised at the amount of healing that has taken place and say she can walk again. Visually, we keep thinking of how Jesus healed the lame – Maggie needs that kind of miracle!
We trust you will face 2013 with a “seize the opportunities” mentality. I know we would not be able to seize these if it were not for your prayers and support —
Roger and Maggie
P.S. – Pray for our brothers and sisters in Syria as the war goes on. They have shown enormous courage and have continued ministry despite risk to their lives. In spite of everything, two people have applied for staff!