
Less face it, there is fear when we face a new challenge. And my experience is not without fear.


I have Multiple Myeloma. 7 years ago, it exploded on my life. 17 years ago I had been diagnosed with Monoclonal Gammopathy, it’s precursor. So I have been living with this in one way or another for a long time and have learned several things:

Statistics are scary.

You know it’s not good when you are searching Google and come up with obituaries. I no longer search, but Roger sometimes does and filters them to me. I have always known this was not a good kind of cancer to have, if there can a be “good” kind of cancer to have. It is considered “incurable” which means you can beat it back, but never get rid of it. It always comes back.

I have a choice. I can give into the fear or lean into the Lord. I can fight emotionally or rest spiritually. I can focus on statistics, the truth of this world, or focus on faith in the truth of eternity.

Statistics reflect unique opportunities.

Somehow I have been “blessed” with MM. Statistically, it hits African-Americans males the most, then Caucasian males, then African-American females, and then Caucasian females – the lowest group.

So I do view this as a unique blessing. God chose me despite statistics. I feel it is a part of His plan in my life and in the lives of those around me. And who would want to emotionally or spiritually fight a blessing?

Statistics reveal grace.

Even with less energy and more pain, I am humbled and amazed by what God does in and through me. The lives I have touched, the ministry processes I have help put into place, the experiences I have had with children and grandchildren — I could go on and on! God’s grace runs through me like yarn in a knitted blanket, covering us over and over and lasting beyond me. How can I fight grace?

Statistics can be scary, but they do reveal opportunity and grace.

I’d love to hear from you, either a comment or question. And I wonder, what statistics scare you? How do you handle it?


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One Response to Statistics

  1. Darlene Bruehl says:

    Stockpiles (and home parties to develop them), leaked reports about government holding camps for political non-conformists, economic hopelessness.
    Somehow, it makes my efforts seem silly, even worthless.
    It is so easy to fall into fear.
    Lord come quickly!

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