We would like to invite you to do more than just watch the Winter Olympics! Athletes in Action, Cru’s ministry to athletes, is planning fruitful ministry around the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games. While you might not be able to attend the Olympics, there are plenty of ways for you to be a part of the ministry.
1. Pray for athletes, coaches and Olympic officials – AIA is enlisting people to serve as Olympic Prayer Partners for the 2014 Sochi Games. Each person will be assigned the names of 3-5 Olympic athletes to pray for during the weeks leading up to and during the Games. Ask His blessing over their Olympic experience, His provision for their physical health and safety, and His dominion over their spiritual lives as they have the opportunity to encounter the various chaplains and ministry personnel who will be present at the Games.
2. Pray for the chaplains and others working with the athletes – AIA leaders and staff representing over 10 countries will be ministering to Olympians with direct access to the athletes. They serve as chaplains, advisers, counselors, coaches, trainers, and other administrative positions.
3. Go to www.beyondtheultimate.com and use social media and other means to share faith stories from the athletes.
- Speed Skater Jilleanne Rookard
- Bobsledder Curt Tomasevicz
- Snowboarder Kelly Clark
- Paralympian Bonnie St John
We have had a busy month preparing for audit reports. Maggie has been working with Global Operations in preparing a basic training document for new national leaders. She starts her 5th round of chemo next week (she’ll be on chemo until she’s ready for a stem cell transplant). We hope you are inspired to pray for us as well as the athletes, that we will all run the race before us.
Roger and Maggie